
Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith

Jun 6, 2023

Kathryn Smith passed away June 6th, 2023. Please leave condolences to family.

Theodore Whitehorse

Theodore Whitehorse

Jun 2, 2023

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Tito Carrillo Sandoval

Tito Carrillo Sandoval

May 24, 2023

Tito Carrillo Sandoval passed away May 24th, 2023. Please leave condolence to family.

Victor Cortez

Victor Cortez

May 22, 2023

Victor Andre Cortez Andrade passed away May 22nd, 2023. A viewing will be held at 1063 Ring Street NE, Keizer, Oregon on Saturday, May 27th, 2023 after funeral service at St. Edwards Catholic church, Keizer, OR at 11:00am. Graveside service will be held Sunday, May 28th, 2023 at 3:00PM at Claggett cemetery. Victor Andre Cortez Andrade fallecio el 22 de...

David Allen Hubbard

David Allen Hubbard

May 18, 2023

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David Shawn Connely

David Shawn Connely

May 16, 2023

David Shawn Connely passed away unexpectedly on May 16th, 2023. Please leave condolence to family.

Justine Gibson

Justine Gibson

May 16, 2023

Justine Gibson peacefully passed away May 16th, 2023, in Keizer, Oregon. Please leave condolence to family.

Roger Arnold

Roger Arnold

May 12, 2023

Born In Boise Idaho on Easter Sunday 4/18/1954 to Harold and Ellen Arnold. He joined his older sister Nancy and brother Larry. He was then followed by sister Anne, and 17 Foster siblings. Roger’s parents assisted in all of the adoptions, a few of which are known to us. Harvey and Elizabeth Tinno, and Sheila Williams. It was a busy...

Franklin Voyles

Franklin Voyles

May 12, 2023

Franklin Voyles passed away May 12th, 2023. Please leave condolence to family

Rachel Andreasen

Rachel Andreasen

May 9, 2023

Rachel Andreasen passed away May 9th, 2023. Please leave condolences to family.

Patty Ann Brown

Patty Ann Brown

May 9, 2023

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Irene Mekisich

Irene Mekisich

May 8, 2023

Irene Mekisich passed away May 8th, 2023. Please leave condolence to family.

Elliott Carmen

Elliott Carmen

May 8, 2023

Elliott Carmen was born in Boston Massachusetts to Lawrence and Rita Carmen on April 18, 1952. He took pride in his religious affairs and his art. His son Daniel and his siblings Roy and Lynn survive him along with his many friends and family. Keizer Funeral Chapel is helping his family.

Christopher Mcconkey

Christopher Mcconkey

May 8, 2023

Christopher McConkey passed away May 8th, 2023. Please leave condolence to family.

Christopher Baus

Christopher Baus

May 7, 2023

Christopher Baus passed away May 7th, 2023 Please leave condolence to family.

Maria Kenlan

Maria Kenlan

May 7, 2023

Maria Kenlan passed away May 7th, 2023. Please leave condolence to family.

Julie Vohland

Julie Vohland

May 3, 2023

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Marge Jean Wallace

Marge Jean Wallace

May 2, 2023

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Homer Lloyd Smith

Homer Lloyd Smith

Apr 26, 2023

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Matthew Trussell

Matthew Trussell

Apr 25, 2023

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