Ruby Marina Salinas, long time resident of downtown Salem, passed away March 27, 2024 unexpectedly. She has left behind in life her son, Joseph Ramos, her granddaughter, Josephine Alice Treviño-Ramos and her brother, Romolo “Rick” Salinas, as well as many extended family members and friends.
Ruby was a sweet, joyful and caring person, usually with a smile on her face, singing a song, and always willing to share what she had. She loved music, colors and sparkling things. She liked to craft and make cards and things for people to brighten their day.
Ruby worked at Target, Safeway and a few other places during her life. She married and had Joseph in her twenties. One of the most enduring memories many of us have of Ruby is of her driving around in her red IROC, that she purchased herself, brand new, blaring music and singing along with her friends. She was vibrant, fun and loving and she is greatly missed.
She was preceded in death by her parents, Romolo Estraca and Maria Rose.
Donations can be made to the family to help cover expenses, or to the Union Gospel Mission - Simonka house in her name.
Remember to spend all the time you can and say all the things you should to those you love. Ruby would want that for you.