Remember Me
Remember me with smiles not tears,
For all the joy through all the years.
Recall the Closeness that was ours,
A love as "sweet" as fragrant flowers.
Don't dwell on thoughts that cause you pain,
We'll see each other once again.
I am at peace try to believe,
It was my time I had to leave.
But "what a view" I have from here,
I see your face, I feel you near,
I follow you throughout your day,
You're not alone along the way.
And when you are called you will be,
Right by my side...right here with me.
Till then I'll wait, wait by the door,
We'll be united evermore!
- Genie Graveline
"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend" - Winnie the Pooh