17 August 1925 ~ 30 October 2022
To family, friends and all those who knew and loved Joy,
On Sunday, October 30, 1:40 AM, Joy Alicia Beaver-Beebe shared her last moments with us and quietly, in her home of 65 years, passed away. We are heartbroken.
She was surrounded by her family of five generations (some traveling over a 1,000 miles)—including children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren; her last days were filled with love and care at home.
On Tuesday … Joy rallied in an interview with a young female-journalist from a military family magazine, her best day since her 97th birthday, August 17. Joy met with Crystal (also granddaughter of an English War Bride) who wanted to capture Joy’s memories and stories of the WWII/War Bride generation. Joy was in her element, vibrantly sharing her stories that we all have come to cherish about her early life experience, marrying a GI, sailing to America, and nurturing a life and family in Oregon. Alert and energetically, she created her last published legacy by sharing her journey as -- matriarch of the Beebe family, author of “Snapshots of a War Bride’s Life,” ‘Sunshine Lady’ of the WWII War Brides Association, and honorary WWII spokesperson for the Oregon Spirit of ’45.
On Wednesday … Joy’s duty was complete, and time decided she was ready to leave. Mid-morning, she suffered a TIA (transient ischemic attack-stroke) that left her silent and unconscious. With the help of paramedics and her amazing Hospice team, she was set in her bedroom for what was to be her final few days with us. Her dedicated and devoted care team (daughters Jenni, Vivian, Barbara, and amazing neighbor Lani) began an around the clock vigil to honor their matriarch’s remaining time. The caregivers were immediately advised by the Hospice team to inform family and friends it was time to say ‘goodbye’ to Joy. Loved ones began to arrive from near and far, and phone contacts increased. Joy rested with her eyes closed although it was as if she knew family was ‘on their way’ and she purposely waited until the last one arrived. By late Saturday, the last of the great and great-great grandchildren had ‘shown up’ … and she was ready to leave.
Early Sunday morning … with oversight of the primary care team, she took her last breath as her first-born granddaughter, second-born great granddaughter and last-born great-great granddaughter sat by her bedside. They were pleased to represent her 21 surviving family members --children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great grandchildren.
In her 97-year journey … Joy traveled worldwide and touched an extensive network of individuals. It could be said she lived by a simple creed: “The significance of oneself cannot be measured by the fame and glory of this world or the material things we have, but by the love and compassion we show to others in everyday life; without fame or glory or thanks, just in the name of love. And maybe all the little things we do for one another is the most significant thing you and I might do in our lifetime”(Anonymous). Joy, in many life roles, embodied these words. She deservingly earned over a dozen titles in her life—doing so much for so many, all of us. She leaves a legacy of spirit, inspiration, and her JOY for future generations. And while we feel great loss, we are reminded often by her accomplishments …. and how much better we are to have known her. (See below on this site--her Title ‘Poppy’ Page, in red and her favorite colour, purple.)
Joy is survived by her 4 children: son, Philip Beebe (Alameda, CA), and three daughters—Jennifer Vickers (Keizer, OR), Barbara Jensen (Seattle, WA), and Vivian Brown (Sequim, WA); she is also proceeded by her husband, Carl Stewart Beebe, and their granddaughter, Stacey Villegas-Garcia.
Joy’s legacy is richly survived by 4 grandchildren: Stephanie Kelsey (Keizer, OR), Carlos Beebe (Live Oak, CA), Ryan Jensen (Portland, OR), and Shannon Brown (New Oxford, PA); 9 great-grandchildren: Joy Beebe (Live Oak, CA); DaraLyn Wells (Albany, OR), Mariah Cunningham (Ione, CA), Taylor Bowles (Olympia, WA), Siramanee Ruchupanai (South Lake Tahoe, CA), Serenity Wells (Sutter Creek, CA), Daniel Villegas-Garcia (Jackson, CA); Gabrielle and Penelope Jensen (Portland, OR), and Stella Brown (New Oxford, PA); and 4 great-great grandchildren: Ava and Vada Villa (Ione, CA), Preston Shockley (Sutter Creek, CA), and Jordyn Wells (Albany, OR).
Joy Alicia’s life was celebrated every day, highlighted by her last two August 17 birthdays in 2021 and 2022. She will continue to be celebrated by the joining of ashes with our father, Carl Stewart Beebe, on his Columbarium Wall at Willamette National Cemetery. A notice of our final goodbye, likely in the spring of 2023, will be announced in the near future.
Love from Joy’s Children and Loving Primary Care Team,
Vivian, Barbara, Jennifer, and Philip
Lani Moore and Sue & Lee Cutsforth
In her passing, it was Joy’s wish (in lieu of flowers or gifts) that donations be made to the Oregon Spirit of ‘45. This organization will continue to tell the stories of the WWII generation, like Joy. Their legacy is founded in the freedoms we all enjoy today. With your donations, the OR Spirit of ’45 will continue to support organizations who carry on the legacy of war brides, veterans, and related-youth groups—such as the U.S World War II War Brides Association and the Lebanon High School JrROTC. (All donations are tax deductible.)