JoAnn Nusser of Salem, Oregon passed away late afternoon of January 7, 2017 at Salem Hospital at age 84. She was born in Marlow, Oklahoma; she was one of 6 brothers and sisters. Her parents were Mack and Annie Langford. Mack and Annie moved their family from Oklahoma to California in 1936. In 1950 JoAnn married Marcel Nusser and together they had four children Stephen, Richard, Michael, and Doug. JoAnn was a woman of faith who made friends easily and had a lot of love in her heart.
Marcel and JoAnn moved their children to Stayton, Oregon in 1970. JoAnn worked for the Stayton Canning Coop before moving back to Stockton, California to care for her aging parents. After moving back to Stockton she worked as a dietician for St. Joseph Hospital for 18 years. JoAnn missed her children and moved back to Salem to be closer to them. JoAnn then worked for Stayton/Sublimity schools in the cafeteria. She loved serving the children and was the lunch lady who passed out hugs with lunch. She retired at age 78. She had a passion for cooking and made the most wonderful pies, cookies, and enjoyed canning jams, jellies but was most famous for her salsa where she would can 12 cases every fall for her family.
JoAnn had many friends at Sundial Park where she enjoyed swimming, potlucks, and many card games with her friends. JoAnn loved the Lord with all her heart and had many talks with her children and grandchildren to be good to one another, be thankful, and have faith those where the foundational truths of her life.
JoAnn is survived by her Sister Shirley McClean, her sons Richard (Linda) Nusser; Doug (Elaine) Nusser, seven grandchildren, and six great grandchildren. She was proceeded in death by her sons Stephen and Michael.
A Celebration of JoAnn's life will be held on Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 1:30 pm at Salem Evangelical Church (455 Locust Street Salem, Oregon). We look forward to joining with her friends and family in celebration of her faith in the Lord, joining together in thankfulness for the blessings of family and friendship and remembrance of a life well lived.
A special thank you to Willamette Valley Hospice, Salem Hospital and the entire staff of Salem Clinic for their wonderful care of JoAnn.
The Family would like to thank Keizer Funeral Chapel, Restlawn Memory Gardens and special thanks to Pastor Randy Butler, Salem Evangelical Church.