Isabel M Diaz passed away peacefully Sunday August 14th at Salem Hospital in Oregon surrounded by many of her family members. She is survived by her twin Marcelino, Sisters Sally, Mary, Phyllis, Cory and Teresa, sons Joseph & Roy, daughters Barbara & Ramona, 11 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and counting. Isabel can now be with all the loved ones that passed before her especially her beloved little girl Rachel and sons Ruben & Marcelino. She was raised in Firebaugh CA. She will be missed by her family and friends.
Please join our Celebration of Life for Isabel M Diaz
When : Sunday September 4th from 12 pm to 4 pm. There will be food, soft drinks and lots of good memories. (NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED)
Where: The Keizer Heritage Center, 980 Chemewa Rd NE,Keizer, OR 97303